
What is pox?

The story of Poxmyl

In Mexico, in a state called Chiapas, there is a company called Poxmyl, founded by a super dynamic entrepreneur named Mildred Sánchez in 2015. But, the story does not start there! It turns out that Poxmyl has more than 75 years of tradition, thanks to the recipes inherited from Mildred's grandmother, the famous Doña Ofelia Flores. What a story!
It turns out that Doña Ofelia and her husband, Mr. Juan José Nájera (tatic Juanito), were true masters in making flavored pox back in the 50s, on their ranch in Huixtan, Chiapas. But beware, they did it in secret! In those days it was forbidden to make Pox, so they had to be a bit clandestine. The years passed and the family moved to San Cristóbal de Las Casas in the 70's, and with that, the tradition was somewhat forgotten. However, Doña Ofelita continued with her entrepreneurial spirit, making her mistelas and curtidos with fruits from the region.
The tradition was about to fade and this is where Mildred appears again, who was participating in a contest for young entrepreneurs and surprise! It won sixth place out of 1,300 projects. That award was the impetus to bring Poxmyl to life and revive the family tradition. Since then, Poxmyl has grown with the help of various specialists and friends who have made it internationally famous. What success! Some of his achievements include the 1st place of Young Entrepreneurs in Chiapas thanks to the collaboration of Mr. David Armendáriz, a scholarship from the Tec de Monterrey Social Incubator, another scholarship from Victoria 157 of the Shark Tank Ana Victoria García, Action Coach, BNI and, to top it off, the Silver Medal at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
Poxmyl keeps going, making history and honoring the family legacy with its special touch. Traditional has never been so different, and that's just amazing!
The history of the pox
No one knows exactly how long alcohol has been distilled, but the practice dates back at least four thousand years. By the 12th century, it had made its way to Europe. The oldest written evidence of the distillation process in Europe dates from the 15th century, with a King's order in 1494 calling for enough malt to make five hundred bottles of aquae vitae, Latin for "water of life."
In Chiapas there is to this day a GREAT confusion between the word 'Poxil' which in the Mayan Tzotsil language means medicine and Pox which means water that heals or curative or sacred, since Pox is used as medicine, its essence has been misinterpreted.
Contact us
Phone:+52 967 6723 022
San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chis., Mexico
Private tasting
Book and come with your family or friends to taste more than 10 flavors that Poxmyl has prepared for you.